knitting kippahs for the big event
So a year ago I said I was going to knit kippahs for this event. I took Max to the LYS and he picked our two nice cottons in fingering weight. I got some size 2 needles and started fiddling around. I didn't mind knitting the kippah it just didn't look like I had hoped. The decreases weren't semetrical, seems I got off by one stitch and didn't notice. After starting over several times, I decided that maybe, since it's a Havdallah bar mitzvah and there will be no Torah portion per se, that kippahs were not required. Max will do his tiny bit of Torah Friday night when we have an intimate setting of family and a few exceptionally close friends. I'll share our stash of a zillion kippahs and Maxwell will wear the one I made. Maybe for William's bar mitzvah I'll actually make the kippahs, but William is saying he wants a rock climbing bar mitzvah. I don't think I'm ready to deal with that just yet. I'll post a picture of the one and only completed kippah. I don't think I understood the math of decreases when I made it. A friend said I should knit it in Wool of the Andes on giant needles and felt them! The problem with that is his Bar Mitzvah is in AUGUST. Can you imagine wearing a felted kippah in August?